Privacy Policy

Our company, in order to carry out its activities, needs to process some of your personal data. Therefore, pursuant to Article 13 of European Regulation 2016/679 – “Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data” (hereinafter, the “Regulation”), as well as current Italian legislation on the matter, we provide you with the following information regarding the processing of your personal data.  

1. Purpose of Processing

Your personal data—falling into the categories of common and sensitive data—will be processed by us:
a) for pre-contractual and contractual needs, for the provision of services outlined in the contracts;
b) for administrative, accounting, operational, and management needs related to our activities and for monitoring the progress of customer relationships;
c) for legal compliance with civil, fiscal, or other regulations, as well as community regulations;
d) to send commercial and promotional information, courtesy messages, and surveys for assessing customer satisfaction and qualification.  

2. Nature of the Provision and Legal Basis

The provision of data for the purpose under letter d) is not mandatory; therefore, refusal to provide such data will not have any consequences other than the inability to implement initiatives aimed at improving our service to you and keeping you informed about developments in our offerings. However, failure to provide data for all other purposes will result in the inability to establish or continue the contractual relationship.

  1. With reference to the processing described in the previous paragraph 1, point a) and b), the legal basis lies in the necessity to fulfill the contractual obligations and provide the requested services;
  2. With reference to the previous paragraph 1, point c), the legal basis lies in the fulfillment of legal obligations;
  3. With reference to the previous paragraph 1, point d), the legal basis is consent, except for commercial communications related to products and/or services similar to those already purchased and/or subscribed to by the customer, for which the processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller;


3. Methods of Data Processing

The processing of Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes is carried out using both automated methods (electronic support) and non-automated methods (paper support), in compliance with the confidentiality and security rules established by the law, the Regulation, the relevant regulations, and specific internal provisions.  

4. Categories of Recipients

Personal data will be processed by third-party service providers appointed as Data Processors by the Data Controller and by employees or collaborators of our company, who are authorized to process personal data and have been instructed by the Data Controller within the scope of their respective job functions. You may obtain a complete list of the Data Processors appointed by the Data Controller by contacting the Data Controller directly, as indicated in the following paragraph 5. Specifically, data may be shared with: group companies, external collaborators, and professionals for specific technical-commercial, legal, and administrative-accounting services in execution of pre-contractual measures and/or contractual obligations; the sales network (agents, dealers, distributors, etc.); subcontractors and suppliers; public offices and entities for legal compliance and participation in public tenders; credit institutions for the management of collections and payments; the judiciary, law enforcement, and other public authorities; local health authorities, regions, and other public entities for the provision of contributions.  

5. Data Controller

The Data Controller is: Sacchi Tartufi International Srl, located at Via Amedeo Avogadro, 19/B – 61032 Fano (PU) ITALY. You can contact the Data Controller at any time by sending your communication to the attention of the Data Protection Officer via one of the following methods: by emailing or by writing to the address provided above.  

6. Transfer of Personal Data Abroad and Dissemination of the Same Data

Your personal data may be transferred abroad, primarily to European countries, but may also be transferred to non-EU countries, always in compliance with applicable regulations and adopting measures to ensure necessary security levels. Specifically, if the transfer is to non-European countries and in the absence of adequacy decisions by the European Commission, transfers will be based on the “Standard Contractual Clauses” issued by the Commission to ensure proper processing. You may always contact the Data Controller at the contact details provided in the previous paragraph 5 to obtain precise information about the transfer of your data and their specific location. Your personal data will not be disseminated under any circumstances.  

7. Your Rights (Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 of the Regulation)

Under Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, and 21 of the Regulation, you have the right to access your personal data, obtain information about the data being processed, the purposes and methods of processing; request the correction and updating of your data, ask for the restriction of processing (including, where applicable, the right to erasure and deletion); object to the processing of your data for legitimate reasons, and exercise your right to data portability; and file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. To exercise your rights, please direct your request to the company mentioned above, to the attention of the Data Controller, at the following address: Via Amedeo Avogadro, 19/B – 61032 Fano (PU) or via email at:  

8. Retention Period for Personal Data

The data processed will be stored in our protected archives for as long as necessary based on the requested services. Once the requested activity is completed, the data may either be deleted or retained solely for documentation purposes (if necessary) or for historical and/or statistical purposes (in anonymized form). However, fiscal data will be retained for a period corresponding to legal obligations. Contact data for marketing purposes will be used until the relevant consent is withdrawn. Any data related to the protection of rights (including in legal proceedings) will be kept until the final judgment is passed or the last level of appeal is reached, and, if necessary, for the subsequent enforcement phase.